OVERVIEW Induction Ceremonies are held during the fall of odd years usually during the month of September. The Induction Ceremony is designed to give respect and acknowledgement to the new inductees to the Tuskegee University Athletic Hall of Fame. The primary activities planned during the induction ceremony weekend include:
- Annual Meeting Board of Directors and Members of Hall of Fame
- Enshrinement Banquet
- Hall of Fame Football Game
SOURCE OF FUNDING To capture the induction event and provide support to inductees and the Hall of Fame mission, a souvenir journal will be prepared. The souvenir journal will allow family, friends, colleagues and the business community to acknowledge the honoree’s achievements and to express appreciation for the many ways they have touched your life. Nominees who are selected for induction and accept the nomination are expected to contribute a minimum of $800.00 to help defray the cost of sustaining the Hall of Fame. Congratulatory ads placed in the souvenir journal for a nominee by family, friends, colleagues and businesses will count toward the nominee’s expected minimum contribution. The congratulatory ads range in size and price. Details of the souvenir journal; enshrinement banquet tickets; game tickets; lodging and other pertinent information will be available after the selection process conclude. Your support of the Tuskegee University Athletic Hall of Fame mission is appreciated. Thank You.